Tortelli and Gnocchi pasta Festival

Original name: Festa dello Sport con tortelli e gnocchi

Place:  Grezzano, near Luco di Mugello (hamlet) in municipality of Borgo San Lorenzo, in Florence province, Mugello area.

First year of the festival: unknown

Period: middle of July, Friday Saturday and Sunday on two consecutive week-ends

Opening times: Friday and Saturday only dinner; Sunday lunch and dinner

2019 scheduled on: Friday, Saturday and Sunday 19, 20, 21 and 26, 27, 28 July

Local Specialties:

  • First courses - Tortelli al ragù, ragù meat sauce tortelli; Tortelli burro e salvia, butter and sage sauce tortelli; Gnocchi al ragù, ragù meat sauce gnocchi; Gnocchi burro e salvia, butter and sage sauce gnocchi; Tagliatelle, meat sauce tagliatelle
  • Second courses -  Rostinciana, grilled pork rib; Salsiccia, grilled sausage; Bistecca di manzo, grilled T-bone steak; Bistecca di maiale, grilled pork steak
  • Dessert - Cantuccini e vin santo, cantuccini biscuits with Tuscan dessert wine

The Mugello valley, near Florence, has its flagship dish: the tortello, also known as tortello mugellano to distinguish it from the tortello made in other Italian areas. It’s one of the most celebrated Tuscan pasta so it would a pity not to take advantage from the numerous tortello’s sagras all around Mugello.

Here in Grezzano, you can choose the tortelli with a delicious meat sauce, rich and tasty, or a more sober butter and sage sauce, as much fabulous. There’s the possibility to have the same sauces with gnocchi pasta, and the result is excellent too. Gnocchi were part of traditional cuisine in Tuscany, lesser frequently than other Italian regions, but anyway rather popular, especially in areas like Mugello. This sort of digest of Italian pastas will be closed by tagliatelle; originally from Bologna, tagliatelle were adopted long time ago in our region and still greatly appreciated.

Grilled meat, tender and well cooked is on the menu as second course; among the desserts, you’ll find a classic, traditional one, the cantuccini biscuits served with the vin santo dessert wine - hugely popular once among Tuscan peasants and nowadays still very popular, you’ll find “cantuccini e vin santo” rather logically in quite every Tuscan traditional restaurant.

Locandina della Festa dello Sport con Tortelli e Gnocchi a Luco Mugello
