Ancient Aretini Tastes

Original name: Festa degli Antichi Sapori Aretini

Place: Indicatore (hamlet), in municipality Arezzo, in Arezzo Province.

First year of the festival: (unknown)

Period: first half of June

2023 scheduled on: 1-2-3-4 and 8-9-10-11 June

Opening times: from Thursday to Sunday, for two consecutive weeks, only at dinner

Local Specialties:

  • Appetizers: antipasti toscani, Tuscan appetizers;
  • First courses: tagliatelle al sugo d'ocio, tagliatelle with gosling sauce; tagliatelle al "sugo de Dante", tagliatelle with a local sauce;
  • Second courses; coniglio fritto e pane fritto; fried rabbit with fried bread; ocio arrosto, roast gosling; grigliata mista, costolicci, salsiccia, scamarita; grilled meat, pork ribs, sausages, pork; bistecca (t-bone);
  • Side dish: patate al forno, roast potatoes;
  • Dessert: cantucci e vin santo, Tuscan biscuits with dessert wine; dolce della casa, home made cake.

The ancient tastes of the Arezzo province, it's the English translation of "Festa degli Antichi Sapori Aretini". This sagra's menu is really a real feast for the enthusiasts of the traditional cuisine of Arezzo and Tuscany. Many of this recipes are common to other part of Tuscany too, such as the Tuscan appetizers, a dish with Tuscan ham and salami, melon, and crostini.

About the other recipes, which all deserve to be tried, the bistecca, the T-bone steak, and the grilled meat dishes in general are frequent from north to south Tuscany, both in food festivals or restaurants, and greatly appreciated by Tuscan people. It's instead harder nowadays to find the fried rabbit and the fried bread, wonderful recipes that were once very popular. Probably we could say that the most local of all the recipes here in Indicatore is the gosling, or more precisely, the two recipes with gosling, which are the tagliatelle with the gosling sauce, and the roast gosling. As for Cantuccini con il vin santo, it's maybe the most traditional of all Tuscan dessert.

